Pendet included in this type of dance guardian, the Balinese dances are staged specifically for the purpose of religiousceremonies. This dance was created by the dance artists of Bali, I Nyoman Kaler, in the 1970'stells the story of the decline Goddesses heaven to earth.Although this dance is classified into different types of dance with dance guardian but other ceremonies that typically require specialized and trained dancers, anyone can dance Pendet, either already trained or who still lay, pemangkus men and women, rural women and girls. Basically in this dance the young girl simply follow the movement of senior female dancer in front of them, who understand the responsibility in providing a good example. No need for intensive training.
Initially Pendet is a dance of worship that many exhibited in the Temple, which describes the reception of the decline to the gods of nature marcapada, an offering statement in the form of ritual dance. Gradually, over the times, the artists transform Pendet Balinese dance into dance "A Welcome", done while laying flowers in front of the guests who came, like the Aloha in Hawaii.However it does not mean Pendet so lost kesakralannya. Pendet still contain sacred-religious elements to include charges of religious accent. Pendet agreed and was born in 1950.
Sacred Pendet
Usually Pendet sung in groups or in pairs by the princesses, and more dynamic than Rejang dance. Published after Rejang dance in the courtyard temples and generally facing toward the sacred (pelinggih). The dancers Pendet dancers dressed like the other sacred religious ceremonies, wearing ceremonial garments, each dancer bring equipment offerings such offerings sangku (holy water vessel), jugs, bowls, and others.
Professor of Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Wayan Dibia, asserts that the dance Pendet has long been part and parcel of the spiritual life of the Balinese Hindu community.
This dance is a dance performed by a group of young women, each carrying a silver bowl (bowl) filled with flowers. At the end of the dance the dancers laying flowers into the audience as a welcome greeting. This dance is usually displayed to welcome guests or to start a show (1999: 47).
Creator or choreographer of modern dance forms Pendet is I Wayan Rindi (? -1967), A dancer who is widely known as the aspirant art of dance with the ability to preserve the art of composing dance and Balinese dance through learning on future generations. During his life he actively teaches a variety of Balinese dance, including Pendet to the descendants of the family or outside the family.
According to his youngest son, I Ketut Sutapa, I Wayan Rindi modify Pendet Pendet sacred to welcome Malaysia is now claimed as part of its culture. I Wayan Rindi family deeply regrets this. During his life, I Wayan Rindi never thought to register his findings so as not to imitate other countries.
Pendet Reception
In addition there is no institution of copyright, Balinese dance has never been patented because it contains a vast spiritual values and can not be monopolized as a human creation or a particular nation. In this case, I Ketut Sutapa, professor of dance Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Bali expect the government to start acting to save the national cultural heritage from the hands of ignorant of other countries.
Using a scientific approach to history should be more proportionate approach to the science of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), because the IPR is a new product of Western culture existed then. IPR is not good enough to secure the cultural products before the IPR was founded, what its use is more oriented collectivity rather than individuality such as the understanding of western culture.
IPR will not fully satisfy the justice of a civilized society and dignity. Directed to the economic interests of IPR, while the Indonesian cultural products are more oriented social interests.
Error government
Pendet was originally a dance of worship that many exhibited at Temple, a place of worship for Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. This dance symbolizes the welcoming of the gods fall into the natural world. This dance was created by I Wayan Rindi. Rindi is the maestro, who is widely known as a composer Pendet pentaskan sacred that can at any religious ceremonies at temples. Pendet could also serve as a welcoming dance. Gradually, over the times, the artists transform Pendet be a "dance of welcome", but still contains elements of the sacred-religious.
Wayan Rindi aspirant art of dance is known for his ability to compose and preserve the art of dance through learning on future generations. One of them recorded in a variety of photos during the active life teaches a variety of Balinese dance, including Pendet on family ancestry and outside the family environment. According to his youngest son, Sutapa Ketut, Wayan Rindi modify Pendet Pendet sacred to the welcome that is now claimed to Malaysia. Rindi Pendet create this around 1950. Although modified, but all the elements of fashion and dance movements still refer to the standard are known typical Balinese art and dynamic.
Pendet believed that a statement of the offerings in the form of a ceremonial dance. Unlike dances performances that require intensive training, Pendet be danced by everyone, pemangkus men and women, adults and girls. This dance is taught simply by following the movement and rarely done in the hamlets. The young girls follow the movements of the more senior women who understand their responsibility in providing a good example.
Daughter dance has a pattern of motion is more dynamic than the Rejang Dance that was delivered in groups or pairs. Usually displayed after the Rejang Dance at temples page and usually facing toward the sacred (pelinggih) by wearing ceremonial dress and each dancer brings sangku, jugs, bowls, and other equipment offerings.
Action claiming Pendet Malaysia as part of family culture Wayan Rindi very regrettable. In his lifetime, Wayan Rindi did not think to register the findings so as not to imitate other countries. In addition there is no institution of copyright, Balinese dance has never been patented because the content of a vast spiritual values and can not be monopolized as a human creation or a particular nation. But with this case, Sutapa who is also professor of dance at the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Balinese hope the government began taking steps to save the national cultural heritage from the hands of ignorant of other countries.